Tag Archives: Shrimp

Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp

Breeding Freshwater Red Cherry Shrimp:


 With the growing popularity of planted aquaria, freshwater invertebrates are enjoying an increased demand as well.  It’s understandable since many of them are ideal for these setups.  One of the most popular is the Red Cherry shrimp.  They belong to the genera Caridina.  There are over 120 different species of Caridina shrimp.  It is almost impossible to identify these shrimp to the species level.  The freshwater shrimp hobby is going through much the same identity crisis as South American catfish, many of which are being identified by a number.  Caridina shrimp are usually referred to by their common name or simply as a Caridina species or something else equally inaccurate. Continue reading Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp

Breeding Back Stripe Shrimp

Breeding Freshwater Back Stripe Shrimp:

 With the ever-growing popularity of planted aquaria, freshwater invertebrates are enjoying an increase in popularity as well.  It’s no surprise since many of these inverts are perfect residents for these setups.  One of the more popular freshwater invertebrates is the Back stripe shrimp.  These shrimp belong to the genera Caridina.  There are over 120 different species of Caridina shrimp.  It is almost impossible to identify these shrimp to the species level.  The freshwater shrimp hobby is going thru much the same identity crisis as South American catfish, many of which are being identified by a number.  Caridina shrimp are usually referred to by their common name or simply as a Caridina species or something else equally inaccurate.  What makes all of the shrimp in this Genus so desirable is that they will spend 24 hours a day (that’s right they don’t sleep) cleaning your tank of leftover food scraps and algae without bothering your plants in any way. Continue reading Breeding Back Stripe Shrimp

Breeding Dwarf Red Tail Shrimp

Breeding Dwarf Red Tail Shrimp:

 With the growing popularity of planted aquaria, the freshwater invertebrates are enjoying an increased demand as well.

It’s understandable since many of them are ideal for these setups.  A few months back I ran across some of these shrimp in Animals and Things.  This is a pet shop over in Woodbridge NJ, one of the few local places I can think of which carry freshwater shrimp with any regularity.  I purchased all they had and put them in my 25-gallon guppy tank.  They are very happy in there and have been breeding.  These shrimp belong to the genera Caridina.  There are over 120 different species of Caridina shrimp.  It is almost impossible to identify these shrimp to the species level.  The freshwater shrimp hobby is going thru much the same identity crisis as South American catfish, many of which are being identified by a number.  Caridina shrimp are (for now) being identified by their common names or simply as a Caridina species or something else equally inaccurate. Continue reading Breeding Dwarf Red Tail Shrimp