President’s Message – September 2019

Dear Aquarist,

September starts us up again. For the start of our fiscal year we had Tullio Dell Aquila. His topic for the evening was “The Facts of Light”. Anything and everything you ever wanted to know about aquarium lighting he is an expert in. He is known as the “Godfather of LED lighting.” He certainly taught me several things I never knew about how to use lighting to its best advantage on aquarium fish, on plants and on corals. Tullio gave a wonderful presentation.

Our next event will be our Giant Fall Auction on October 11. No speaker, just freshwater fish, plants, marine fish, and coral. We also have aquariums, filters, stands, lights and much more. We will have several hundred items available for your pleasure, including rare and hard to find aquatic treasures. So come on over for a fantastic evening. As always there will be FREE parking and FREE refreshments.

Please mark on your calendar that on November 8 we will have Lou Ekus, owner of Tropic Marin, as our guest speaker. His topic for the evening will be, “Reef Chemistry Made Easy.” So plan on giving him a warm BAS welcome.

New BAS shirts arrived and they were selling like hotcakes! Many of you noticed that the BAS officers and Board members wore the regular BAS shirt with the word TEAM on the back. We did this to identify our members that work and help organize our events. We also have new BAS hats in a light blue color. Everyone enjoyed the aquatic supplies, clothing and book table and our auction items.

Anyone wishing to donate any healthy livestock (fish, plants or live corals) or dry goods can bring them to any general meeting. Donations are always welcome and appreciated – it’s what keeps our club healthy!

If you want to see different speakers and learn about different aquatic systems, fish, plants and marine life, please let me know. The elected officials of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society are here to serve YOU! So please let us know what you want and why, because it would be helpful to everyone. It is important that you visit and patronize our sponsors. It goes full circle: by helping them, they are also helping you as hobbyists and everyone is helping the Brooklyn Aquarium Society, so help us, help you!

For more info, please call our BAS Hotline at (718) 837-4455.

On a more personal note – any member who wants to attend a Board meeting, which is held at Education Hall of the New York Aquarium on the 1st Friday of the month, September through June, please notify me at (347) 277-4793 by the Tuesday before the meeting.

Steven Matassa