President’s Message – May 2019

Dear Aquarist,

May was our Giant Spring Auction month. No guest speaker just auction items for our members and guests. We had close to 200 items that included freshwater fish, marine fish, plants, aquariums, filters, gravel, protein skimmers, lighting fixtures, UV sterilizers and the list goes on.

Everyone had a great time and brought home many aquatic treasures to enjoy. We appreciate the items you donated to make our club one of the strongest in the United States. Thank you!
Our next event, on June 14 will be our last for this fiscal year, but we promise to end it with a big bang! Our guest speaker is Cameron Provost from House of Fins in Greenwich, CT. His topic for the evening will be “Rare Marine Fishes in the Aquarium Hobby”. So come on down on Friday, June 14, doors open at 7:30 PM. As always there is free parking and refreshments.

Please refrain from selling or purchasing any items from individuals on site at the aquarium, it is strictly prohibited.

Please note that our June event is also election time for our officers and Board members. If you or another member, in good standing for the past 6 months, want to run for a position, please let me know so I can put your name up for election. We are always looking for new blood to keep our Society going strong with new and innovative ideas. Please let me know if you are interested and for what position you would like to try out for.

We have new BAS shirts and BAS hats, hurry and get yours while supplies last.

Remember, we can always use help. If anyone wants to help out in any way, please let us know. See me personally or any officer or board member. If anyone has any topics they want to hear expert speakers on or any specific speaker, please tell us that also.

We would like to thank our members and our sponsors for their constant generous donations that keep us going. Anyone who has any aquatic items, supplies or equipment, and that would include healthy livestock of fish, corals or plants, we always welcome the donation.

For information on upcoming speakers or to leave a message for us please call our BAS Hotline at 718-837-4455 and visit our updated website at WWW.BROOKLYNAQUARIUMSOCIETY.ORG.


Steven Matassa